About CK Ministries
At the start of this new year (2023) we sincerely asked God for his will to be done in our lives and for him to reveal to us what our next steps in life should be. As a newly married couple this was an audacious question to ask, but we wanted to live a life that was in the center of God's will. We began to feel God calling us to go to the country of Armenia and we went forward in faith.
We believe that we are uniquely called to the mission field in Armenia due to our diverse backgrounds, intercultural marriage, skill sets and experiences. We have an intercultural marriage (Armenian/Russian/American/Filipino) and speak several languages including Russian, which is the second most used language in the country. More importantly, we have prayed and fasted, and felt a call from the Lord to go and serve in this strategic country. God has called us to play a crucial and unique role in mobilizing, equipping, and sending missionaries to these least reached countries, and ethnic people groups. Armenia is the place to do this, as it offers freedoms, and has a Christian history that these other nations do not have.
The reasons our role is unique and greatly needed is because we plan on joining a part of a ministry that focuses on BAM – Business as Mission. This ministry is crucial because we will be sending out national Armenian missionaries to unreached people groups and countries closed to the gospel in the surrounding regions, and there is a great need for these missionaries to be self-sustained. We will also be working with local Armenian churches, and showing them how sustainable missions work in these “closed” countries can be done through business. Aside from a self-sustaining ministry through BAM, doing BAM also helps obtain work/residence visas for missionaries in these unreached countries, along with bringing value and legitimacy in the eyes of those they are trying to reach.